PEP students will be in school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (unless there is a holiday on one of the 3 days, then one in-school instruction day will be made up on Thursday).
PEP students will be in school for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
PEP students will be given projects or work to be completed on Thursday and Friday.
Hours will be 8:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Full-time students will be in school Monday through Friday.
Hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
We are offering individual classes as well.
Classes and times are listed under service offerings in the EMA website.
Please call, email, or check service offerings as classes may change or be added each semester.
Writing is done weekly. Students will be given a topic, write a rough draft, have it edited, and re-write their final copy. Students will also take notes and learn that good note taking will help their success on quizzes and exams.
Creating good writing habits now will increase their writing skills for college and future careers.
We have opportunities for hands-on learning during the year. We will include some type of art in conjunction with projects. Projects will be completed in school by the students; PEP students may need to complete their projects at home. Students will work individually and in groups on projects that include researching, writing, drawing, and/or making displays.
All students will receive standard letter grades along with a Life Skills section.
A 90 - 100
B 80 - 89
C 70 - 79
D 60 - 69
Life Skills Section
M Mastered Concepts
S Satisfactory
N Not Demonstrated Consistently
H Needs Additional Help
The norm referenced test we have chosen to administer per the Florida Department of Education list, is the MAP Growth assessment. We administer this test in late April.